what do i want? this is a question i ask myself often. there are two areas this applies to, life and love. and yes, i want them both. thankfully, i know what its like to experience them both so if i left now i would really be cool, honestly!
so i am approaching 30 and its time for me to get serious. i always make interesting choices in relationships. i don't regret any of them because really each one has taught me something but i am not going back to any of them. so from my past experiences come my present conclusions. i want a MAN. this is not determined by age, but by actions. i'm not gonna get into my definition of a man, but know that i was raised by my dad so i know wassup!
when it comes to children, i definitely want some. but on top of being a mother, i want to be a parent. i am all about raising children. that means my natural children or those through marriage or even adoption. if i do not have children by 35 then its a wrap. i have never been pregnant so when it does happen, it's no way i would terminate. too late in the game for that option, plus at this point its not an "oops" situation.
so this dating thing is so funny. its something i am having to reacquaint myself with. i am certain i am doing some parts of this wrong, but i am enjoying it. i figure if it feels good, do it, with moderation, LOL. i'm not gonna get into the details of my present company, but know that i'm cool ;)